Kechi's Blog

If you had just 24 hours to live, what would you do with your time?


I have been mulling over and over this question in my mind. One more day. One more chance to tell family you love them, feel the grass beneath your feet or finally speak your mind. What would you do with it? What would I do with it?

I must confess, I found it difficult to come up with the answer to this question because I was thinking about all the things I would love to do that would be difficult to fit into that 24 hours.

But in a way that's a good thing as it would help narrow down my choices.

I would love to spend my last 24 hours in my home, surrounded by all the people I love.

I would love to spend a little more time in the shower luxuriating in the feel of the water running through my whole body.

I would love to eat my favourite meal, a big bowl of jollof rice with peppered chicken with my kids and husband.

I would love to give each of them a good long bear hug. I would love to make love to my husband one last time. slowly, deliberately.

I would love to feel his bare skin next to mine and just inhale the sweet scent of him. I would love to have a good cry on his shoulder and tell him, one last time, how much I love him.

I would love to write a letter to each of my kids reminding them one last time that I love them and telling them how much my life was richer and fuller because I had them to share it with.

I would love to sit in a rocking chair on my porch and just smile at all the memories of all the good, the bad, and the ugly of my life.

I would love to laugh out as loud as I can one last time and possibly scream at the top of my lungs too.

I know none of these sounds exciting but I'm a boring old soul and I like it😁